Why YOU Should Too


When your progress is blocked, pushing harder isn’t necessarily the best way forward. If it works at all. Often what you need is a new way of looking at things.


You need vision enough not only to see the big picture, but to see it from different perspectives that reveal its inner workings and how to work better with them. The Drawing Board’s programs, such as cartoon thinking workshops and Coffee with Cartoonists, draw on every team member’s unique perspective to reveal those unexpected angles—which often make you laugh because they seem obvious once you’ve seen them.


When we see these new angles together, that forms a powerful sense of common purpose. Because shared experience is the most powerful force to bring people together and—science fact—when we “get” a cartoon, our brains internalize that as lived experience. Sure, there is power in the shared laughter, but it’s the “aha” in the “haha” that can chip away at or even topple biases, both cognitive (blocking innovation) and emotional (dividing culture).


Managing any kind of change is a heavy lift. The uncertainty it causes weighs on us even more, with the crushing anxiety it can cause. The antidote to gravity is levity. It lets us step back and rethink. It gives us the nimbleness in thinking to flip negative to positive. And it begins with pencil, paper, and a sense of play.

We have helped people who carry the weight of the world carry on with a spring in their step. We can help you too. Find out how. Get back to The Drawing Board.
